sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2020

Why I Sing


I sing because it hurts the wound...

I sing because I'm sad...

Why do other people sing?

Some sing for nothing ...

Others sing for fun ...

Some to make the pain less ...

Dreams are sometimes evil

and take us to dark paths ...

Where am I now?

I must be inside myself,

into the darkness of my chest,

where my dead loves go ...

I sing only out of desperation,

like who will die the next day

and you can do nothing to save yourself ...

The flowers have already died with me,

the leaves too,

even though it's not autumn...

Listen to my song,

love can also sadden you

this is part of everyone's destiny,

there is no way to fight it,

it's like fighting in vain

in a great endless war ...

I sing until I can't anymore ...

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